Interested in joining PIIC?

PIIC is recruiting a new cohort of Associate Consultants the fall of 2023. The incoming AC cohort has access to exclusive consultant training sessions, career trek and networking opportunities, access to our extensive alumni network, and a close-knit community. We pride ourselves in building an incredibly strong community and are excited for you to join!

Recruiting will kick off at the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic school year. Follow our instagram to stay up to date with the timeline!

Who can join?

Anyone can join! We have members from all four undergraduate schools, studying all different kinds of things and that diversity is part of who we are. Our alumni go on to work in consulting, finance, tech, public sector, NGOs you name it.

You need zero consulting or business experience to join us, we'll teach you everything you need to know. If you are somebody with a dedication to social impact, who collaborates well in teams, and is genuinely curious about learning and growing through PIIC there's a place for you!

How to apply?

Our application will be live on Penn Clubs when recruitment kicks off in the Fall of 2023

Become a General Body Member

The GBM program is a low commitment-high reward way to be involved with PIIC. By joining you will gain access to PIIC Professional Development & Social events as well as exposure to the casework our teams are doing!

The requirements to stay a GBM member include attendance at 2 events, one of those being the General Board Meeting, and to participate in feedback to our case teams.

Sneak Peak with PIIC

Check out our videos to learn more about PIIC Culture, Projects, Trips, and why you should join!


Make an Impact

ACs will start the year by conducting conference calls with their clients to understand the organization, its goals, the context of its work, and its obstacles in order to formulate a set of project deliverables that will maximize PIIC’s social impact. This year at PIIC, you may find yourself building a financial model for a new retailing initiative, conducting an impact assessment of a volunteering program, or developing an internal research paper on sustainable management practices. The possibilities for the scope of your work are limitless, and we are excited to see what PIIC accomplishes this year!


Build Professional Skills

As an incoming member of PIIC, we do not expect any prior consulting experience or training. Once you have been admitted to the AC cohort, PIIC will provide comprehensive training throughout the year. This training program has been carefully crafted by our board to offer you the tools and technical skills required to excel both on your consulting engagement for PIIC and in your personal endeavors. In addition, we have club-wide training run by professional consulting firms such as McKinsey and BCG

Discover Career Opportunities

Our group extends to you an incredible network of students and alumni working in diverse career fields. Because of our long history, we have alumni working at top firms in every industry, including consulting, finance, NGOs, and tech. PIIC has a general appeal to individuals with strong problem solving and critical thinking skills, which has enabled us to establish such a strong and diverse alumni network. We also host 1-2 career treks per year for PIIC members to tour offices and build relationships with companies in both New York City and Washington DC.

Join the Family

PIIC members have so much more than just a working relationship. We are a small, close-knit community where everyone knows each other. Over the course of the year, we plan several social events for the club as a whole in addition to any events your individual consulting team plans. Even in a virtual environment, PIIC is committed to building our community through regular GBMs, Zoom Socials, and much more:) Also, the time you will spend with your consulting team, including the three-week on-site trip, is what makes PIIC a real family. Members in PIIC have found roommates, marathon partners, ice-skating instructors, and lifelong friends in each other!


Helpful Resources


PIIC Interview Guide

We understand that the club recruitment process at Penn can be extremely stressful. This is why we’ve developed the PIIC Interview Guide. The goal of the guide is to make sure that you know what to expect walking into your interviews, so that you can feel confident and comfortable presenting your best and most genuine self.

Included: PIIC Recruiting Overview, Tips for PIIC Interviews & Example Questions, FAQ’s

2022-2023 Annual Report

Want to learn more about what we’ve been up to this past year? Check out our Annual Report!

Includes: year in review, ongoing initiatives, and overviews of all our projects